Vogue stainless steel bollards are an alternative for those looking for a stylish architectural bollard. This model is available in locking removable, fixed In-Situ and baseplate fixed.



Locking & Removable: VOG125R-SS4-W3

Fixed Insitu models : VOG125F-SS4-W3

Baseplate Models: VOG125B-SS4-W3


Finish: Linished or electro-polished


Additional specification details are available within the Downloads and Resources tab on this page


  • Description

    Vogue stainless steel bollards are an alternative for those looking for a stylish architectural bollard. This model is available in locking removable, fixed In-Situ and baseplate fixed.



    Locking & Removable: VOG125R-SS4-W3

    Fixed Insitu models : VOG125F-SS4-W3

    Baseplate Models: VOG125B-SS4-W3


    Finish: Linished or electro-polished


    Additional specification details are available within the Downloads and Resources tab on this page


  • Downloads & Resources